Level 3 Parkour Coach Certification - August 2025
Level 3 Parkour Coach Certification - August 2025
London, UK

Level 3 Parkour Coach Certification - August 2025

Regular price £660.00 GBP
Parkour Generations Republic, Unit G03, Import Building, 2 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BE, United Kingdom

1-3 August 2025 (Fri-Sun)

Parkour Generations London, E14 2BE

We are not machines. Humans are complex, non-linear neurobological systems that demonstrate emergent order, and as such our way of learning is not machine-like. And therefore our ways of teaching and coaching should be based on how humans best learn. 

We utilise a constrained-cognitive pedagogy – a method which integates optimal practice with non-linear dynamic systems in nature to promote self-organising processes inherent in human beings as movers, athletes and individuals. We do not believe in imposing arbitrary movement patterns. Good coaching places the learner at the very centre of the process.

The Level 3 (Master) Coach Certification is the pinnacle of the parkour coaching framework, and denotes an individual who has excelled in understanding the higher levels of coaching science, theory and practice as well as having mastered the practice of parkour.

This course focuses on not only delivering highly effective technical and physical athlete development, but also on creating a profound experience and developing the 'inner game' of all practitioners. The prime function of this course is to act as the highest expertise for coaching knowledge for all coaches and assistants surrounding them, as well as to recruit, develop and employ the right coaches for the right environment.

Content Includes:

  • deep expertise
  • implementing flow states in coaching environments
  • deliberate practice and understanding motor learning
  • communicating your concepts
  • programming for longevity and health
  • creating the profound experience
  • meta coaching
  • business development
  • developing a coaching team

There is no formal assessment required for this certification beyond the on-course observations, however, we ask everyone to provide evidence of specified experience within 24 months post course in order to complete the certification as well as submitting a dissertation on a topic agreed with the course Tutor within 12 months of the course date.

Each candidate will be informed on the specifications of the experience needed and how to provide evidence based on their performance on the course. Examples of experience required includes, but is not exclusive to, large event coaching, coach management and coach development, and club/organisation management.

The Level 3 Coach Certification lasts 3 days, each day starting at 09:00 and finishing at 18:00 at the latest

We ask that all candidates meet the following criteria:
  • 18 years of age or over
  • First Aid or equivalent certification
  • A.D.A.P.T. Level 2 Coach Certified
  • Coached for at least 3 large scale events of at least one day in length
  • 500 hours of regular coaching (Verification required from organization)

If you cannot meet the prerequisite requirements at the time of the course, you must present evidence of having done so within 12 months of the end of your course in order to be certified.



Beginner’s Mind and Self Knowledge

Deep Expertise: The Workshop Model

Motor Learning & Skill Acquisition: The Two Models

Public Speaking and Coaching: Delivering your Concepts

Deliberate Practice in Practise

Coaching Scenarios


Programming for Longevity & Health

Generating Flow: Natural Learning and Instinctive Movement

Creating a Profound Experience: The Art of Challenge

Toolbox Top-Up

Coaching Scenarios


The Meta Coach: Coaching Events and Managing Large Groups

Looking After The Coach: Continuous Personal Development

The Business of Coaching: Creating Sustainable Organisations

Coaching Scenarios

Moving Forward: Action Plans, Next Steps & Towards Tutoring

Summative Session


Approved 3000 word thesis submitted within 12 months of completion of course.

Operate as a lead coach for 2 large scale events of at least a day in length each. This must be completed, with signatures from the event organisation operators, and returned within 2 years of completion of the course.

Finally, we recommend having at least 3-5 years worth of regular parkour coaching experience before attempting the course as you will be covering in depth and detailed coaching science and methodologies.