Level 1 Tutor Certification - January 2025
Level 1 Tutor Certification - January 2025
London, UK

Level 1 Tutor Certification - January 2025

Regular price £715.00 GBP

18-19 January 2025 (SAT-SUN)

Parkour Generations Republic, Blackwall, London E14 2BE 

The Level 1 Tutor Certification trains an individual to deliver A.D.A.P.T. Level 1 Coach Certification and relevant Continued Professional Development  courses on behalf of an authorised A.D.A.P.T. Delivery Centre.

This course involves training in the fundamentals of coach education and the knowledge and skills required to deliver a high quality course for aspiring new parkour coaches. We delve deeply into the skillsets required to develop coaches as well as the content and material covered in a standard ADAPT Level 1 Parkour Coach Certification. 

You will study topics such as emotional intelligence, delivery styles, content acquisition, conflict resolution, the ADAPT feedback model, and more. 

One complete, you are qualified to deliver ADAPT Level1 Parkour Coach Certification courses operated by any recognised Delivery Centre in the world. 

There is no formal assessment required for this certification, however, each candidate must undergo guided post course experience across a maximum of 36 months. Each candidate will be asked to first observe a live Level 1 Coach Certification in action from the point of view of a Tutor, the candidate will then be asked to assist at a minimum of 3 further Level 1 Coach Certifications with an increasing number of responsibilities, culminating in delivering the entire Level 1 Coach Certification under observation.

The Level 1 Tutor Certification lasts 2 days, each day starting at 09:00 and finishing at 18:00. Once you've booked your chosen course you'll be sent further information, including the exact address of the course and contact information for your host and tutor. If you need this information before booking, scroll down and Ask A Question.

We ask that all candidates meet the following criteria:
  • 18 years of age or over
  • A.D.A.P.T. Level 3 Coach Certified

If you cannot meet the prerequisite requirements at the time of the course, you must present evidence of having done so within 12 months of the end of your course in order to be certified.

Finally, we recommend having at least 5 years worth of regular parkour coaching experience and be demonstrating a high level of involvement in the development of others before attempting the course as you will be taking on a key role in live courses from an early stage.


How do I know if I'm ready to join an ADAPT Tutor Certification? 

If you have completed the Level 3 Coach Certification and feel passionate about helping develop new generations of coaches, then the Tutor pathway may well be for you. The best way to know whether it is or not is to attend a Tutor Certification and then begin the observation/assisting process, as you will soon discover whether you are truly cut out for the responsibility or not. And it is a significant responsibility, as Tutors shape entire generations of coaches, who then go on to impact thousands of lives worldwide!

What do I need to do to pass the Tutor Certification?

There is no strict pass/fail aspect to this Certification. Once the 2-day course is complete it is a process of assisting on live courses and learning from active Tutors until both you and ADAPT feel you are ready to deliver courses by yourself. 

We have very high standards for course delivery, and will only ever permit people to graduate as Tutors capable of solo delivery when they are absolutely ready to do so. ADAPT reserves the right to decide on this without exception. Joining the ADAPT Tutor Team is an incredible honour.

How does the post-course course assisting happen?

Following the course you will remain in close contact with the ADAPT logistics team who will be able to offer you places to observe and/or assist on live Level 1 Parkour Coach Certification courses. Travel, accommodation and any expenses you may incur while assisting at these events are your own responsibility. The Delivery Centre running the course will provide access to the course and the Tutor will be aware of your assisting on the course, and will provide feedback and answers to any questions as the course progresses. You may be asked to assist at various points if the Tutor deems you to be ready to do so. 

The assisting process is entirely your own responsibility. Pro-active Tutor candidates will always be prioritised and rewarded for their efforts to complete their Tutor certification process. 

Are there minimum age requirements to take part?

Candidates must be 18 years of age or over to attend the Tutor Certifications.

What should I bring into the event?

Candidates should bring the following items for the first day of the course: 

  • Valid photo ID
  • Level 3 Coach Learner Pack
  • Outstanding payment balance (if paying via instalment plan)
  • Small bag to carry valuables and snacks
  • Snacks to eat throughout the course
  • Weather appropriate clothing & items (sunscreen, jacket, etc) 

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

For more info email: info@adaptqualifications.com

What's the refund policy?

Due to the logistics involved with organizing and hosting courses, there is a strict no-refund policy unless the course has been cancelled.  Registered candidates that have a valid reason (medical or personal emergency) can contact the organizer with at least two weeks notice to have their registration transferred to another course (minus a £25 administrative fee).